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When you’ve been harmed by someone else’s mistakes or bad conduct, you have the right to seek compensation for your losses. Often, this can be achieved through thoughtful negotiation with the insurance company for the party that caused your injuries. However, there are cases where it is necessary to file a lawsuit to get full and fair compensation in your case. In either event, a trial lawyer from Mirador Law can help pursue your personal injury claims and get you fair and full compensation for your injuries and losses, past, present, and future.

Mirador Law attorneys do this by identifying the proper legal claims in your case, gathering evidence to prove your case, and determining how an event has impacted or changed your life. We work hard to present strong evidence of your claims and losses to insurance companies, judges, and juries in cases involving:

  • Car crashes
  • Truck wrecks
  • Pedestrian and bike collisions
  • Motorcycle accidents
  • Animal attacks
  • Slip and falls
  • Sexual abuse
  • Wrongful deaths

If you plan to make a claim for compensation in a personal injury case, it is important to act quickly. The statute of limitations for personal injury claims can vary depending on the type of case. Talk to a Mirador Law attorney today to find out if you still have time to file a claim and take the first step toward getting justice.

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What is a Personal Injury Lawsuit?

Unsuspecting people occasionally suffer injuries and harm because of someone else’s carelessness, recklessness, negligence, or intentional criminal conduct. With a personal injury claim, the injured person can hold the wrongdoer legally responsible for their losses from their injuries.

After most accidents, injured people usually file claims with the at-fault parties’ insurance companies. However, many insurance companies are more interested in looking out for their bottom line financially than in providing money to injured claimants. As a result, insurance companies may try to deny the claim or offer an unreasonably low settlement. That is why working with a knowledgeable personal injury attorney in Pleasanton right from the start is beneficial.

A seasoned legal representative can help an injured person determine their next steps. They can help file the initial paperwork with the insurance company. A legal team could also negotiate a more reasonable settlement. If the insurance company declines to offer a fair amount or denies the claim, an attorney could file a lawsuit and take the case to court.

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What Happens if an Injured Person Was Partially to Blame for an Accident?

Many times, accidents occur because more than one person makes a mistake. Often, more than one person is to blame for accidents. Sometimes, the injured party in an accident is partly at fault for causing their injuries. Fortunately, state law allows injured people to pursue legal relief even if they bear some responsibility for causing the accident that led to their injuries.

State courts operate with a pure comparative fault standard. Injured parties could still seek damages even if they are more to blame than the defendant. The state permits claimants to collect damages even if they were 99 percent at fault and the defendant was only 1 percent to blame. A court would divide the percentage of responsibility and use that percentage to calculate the compensation a claimant could collect.

For example, if a speeding driver struck a pedestrian who crossed the road at night, the pedestrian might be partially to blame for the accident because they were not easily visible to a driver. A court might determine a driver was 75 percent responsible and the pedestrian was 25 percent to blame, reducing their recoverable damages by 25 percent. If you have questions about shared fault and personal injury claims, you should consult a well-informed attorney in Pleasanton.

Megan T. Burns
Megan T. Burns
More About Megan T. Burns >
Emily L. Dahm
Emily L. Dahm
More About Emily L. Dahm >

Client Testimonials

Real Comments From Real Clients
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Tracy Galland

“This firm is amazing and specifically Megan Burns who has approached my complex questions with care and concern. It is important that you find someone knowledgeable and caring because, in the end, were all human. I would highly recommend her.”


“I would like to sincerely thank you from the bottom of my heart. You were an amazing friend and counselor through this experience. As a professional, you were superb and very diligent. I couldn’t have asked for a more complete professional.”


Contact a Pleasanton Personal Injury Attorney About a Lawsuit

Unfortunately, preventable accidents happen all the time. Recovering from injuries after these accidents can take a long time and be a considerable inconvenience. If someone did something that contributed to your injury, you could sue them.

Contact a Pleasanton personal injury lawyer to discuss the details of your accident. An experienced attorney could help you maximize your potential compensation in a legal claim.

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    Pleasanton Personal Injury Lawyer

    A sudden accident could completely change your life or the life of a loved one. Instead of being able to go to work to support yourself or your family, you may have to go to multiple doctor’s visits and rehabilitation appointments. Depending on the severity of your injuries, you may be unable to work for a short period or even permanently. Because of your injuries, you may no longer be able to do some of the things you love.

    If someone else caused your injury, you may be entitled to reasonable financial compensation. A Pleasanton personal injury lawyer could help you review and assess your legal options. At Bonjour, Thorman, Burns & Dahm, we are plaintiff personal injury lawyers. This means that we represent clients or their families in injury or wrongful death claims. Big case or small case, our dedicated attorneys take great pleasure in helping people.

    Clients always meet with the personal injury attorney who handles their cases. We also work with investigators, medical specialists, and experts to help maximize the value of your claim. We charge no attorney’s fees unless we obtain compensation for your injuries and losses.