General News

Attorney Megan Burns Interview on ‘Love Thy Lawyer’ Podcast
Attorney Megan Burns Interview on ‘Love Thy Lawyer’ Podcast
In collaboration with the Alameda County Bar Association, Attorney Louis Goodman, of the Love Thy Lawyer podcast, interviewed our very own attorney, Megan Burns. Feel free to listen to the podcast episode or read the transcript below.  ...
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SB 1437: Changes to the California Murder Law Explained
SB 1437: Changes to the California Murder Law Explained
Senate Bill 1437 (2018 Cal SB 1437.), signed by Governor Jerry Brown on September 30, 2018, went into effect on January 1, 2019. This new law significantly limits accomplice liability for the crime of murder....
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SB 310: New ‘Second Chance’ Law To Allow Ex-offenders To Serve On Juries
SB 310: New ‘Second Chance’ Law To Allow Ex-offenders To Serve On Juries
Did you know that even before California’s State Constitution was ratified felons have been unable to serve on juries? Earlier this year this was finally changed under SB310, commonly referred to as “The Right to...
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What is a California Bar Association Criminal Law Specialist?
What is a California Bar Association Criminal Law Specialist?
Like many other careers, the job description of “lawyer” that people are familiar with often is not where the individual’s expertise ends. For example, people can be doctors but then specialize their practice as pediatricians...
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What is a Super Lawyer?
What is a Super Lawyer?
A Super Lawyer is an exceptional achievement and title given to lawyers across the country who have reached high achievements and standards within their respective fields. The title of a Super Lawyer indicates that the...
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How Will California’s Assembly Bill 218 Affect the Victims of Childhood Sexual Assault?
Introduced in January of 2019, California’s new Assembly Bill 218 aims to empower childhood sexual assault victims by extending their statue of limitations for filing civil lawsuits. This would allow many people who were previously...
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Could Your Loved One Be Eligible for Re-Sentencing under SB 1437?
Could Your Loved One Be Eligible for Re-Sentencing under SB 1437?
On September 30th, 2018, California Governor Jerry Brown signed Senate Bill 1437 into legislation revising the felony murder law of the state. Because of this amendment, select persons previously found guilty of felony murder in...
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Emily Dahm Takes novel approach to a difficult sentencing hearing – making a mitigation video of her client’s family and community for the court
Emily Dahm Takes novel approach to a difficult sentencing hearing – making a mitigation video of her client’s family and community for the court
Creativity is a critical element of an excellent defense. Emily Dahm used a novel approach to tackle a difficult sentencing hearing. After her client was convicted of a cell phone robbery and was facing 15...
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Emily Dahm wins domestic violence trial for hard-working Burmese immigrant
Emily Dahm wins domestic violence trial for hard-working Burmese immigrant
Emily Dahm’s client, Tun Sein, a recent immigrant from Burma, was accused of pushing his wife so violently that she fell and hit her head on the sidewalk. After a jury trial, he was found...
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Emily Dahm wins “sex with the BART seat” case
Emily Dahm wins “sex with the BART seat” case
Emily Dahm's client was seen exposing and touching his genitals on a BART train. He was charged with felony indecent exposure and faced a prison sentence. However, through her skillful cross-examination of the train operator...
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